The adventures of Hammerin' Hank (most of the hammerin' occurring in his diaper at this point) and brand new baby sister Maddy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And still more new tricks...

Henry has already started working on his "i didn't do it" face.
Who me? I wasn't just reaching for those electrical chords.

Fear the Turtle!

Thanks to grandma and grandpa cezar for my sweet new Terps outfit. Are they going to be this generous when its time for me to head to College Park in 2025!

My latest tricks...

When he concentrates now, he just can't seem to keep his tounge in. It must help him think. He's crawling like a champ and working on a stand. Have I mentioned he's the cutest baby I've ever had!

Sweet baby

This is from a couple weeks ago when Henry and mommy were taking an afternoon snooze but daddy and I have been very, very busy chasing after a now crawling Henry so it never got posted. Nothing sweeter than a little sleepy angel baby.